Category: Photography
Retro Vintage Swimwear
We are looking at retro vintage swimwear today. As always, I am trying to crack the Pinterest SEO code. It seems like there’s always one random image among my pins that get a ton of impressions. In this case, it’s this picture of a model from 1958, modeling some gorgeous vintage swimwear. In the last…
Ocean City, New Jersey in August
This post is for two reasons: First of all I’m learning to use blocks in wordpress (or the Gutenberg editor, as they call it.) and I recently switched to a theme which fully utilizes them: Twenty Twenty Three. I had avoided using blocks for as long as possible, because I found them to be cumbersome,…
Is the iPhone 11 pro worth it?
I don’t typically like to spend a lot of money on tech. I actually got my first iPhone in 2007 by winning an online contest. I usually stick with a phone for a long time before upgrading. Until recently, I was still using an iPhone 6s. But 2 things happened: My iPhone 6s battery started…
Mavic Pro Drone Photos
These pictures were taken with a DJI Mavic Pro drone camera. This is a good starter drone for trying out aerial photography, this drone is good option. It’s both sturdy and light weight. Relatively easy to use, once it’s charged you can set it to beginner mode and get started. The photo resolution is decent…
Cherry Blossoms
Taken 4/12/2015. Edited with the Stackables App.
Photo shoot at Kinder Farm
The amateur photographer strikes again. I recently did this photo shoot for some good friends of mine, Heather, Tim, and their spirited English Pointer, Gretchen. It was fun – and successful, as they got some decent portraits. But I still find the task of shooting anyone besides my own immediate family kind of daunting. I’ve…