Category: Strategy

  • Create Mockups with AI

    Create Mockups with AI

    As I said in my last post, the idea that you can create all kinds of mockups in AI really blows my mind. Perhaps I’m a little slow to this. When I google the phrase, “create mockups with AI” there are already tons of results, including AI mockup generator apps and video tutorials. After buying…

  • Digital Printable Graphic Poster

    Digital Printable Graphic Poster

    This week I am experimenting with a process to make a digital printable graphic poster. I’ve been using Printful to make and sell products but I have also been testing out digital printables and selling them on etsy. Awhile back I wrote a comparison of the two methods. So far, I haven’t made that much…

  • Developing a Print Store Business Model, part 2

    It felt like a busy and productive week. But the important question is, how did I do on last weeks tasks? Take some simple shots of of frames against some neutral backgrounds to test out the feasibility of making my own mock-ups. I took a handful of these photos. This may be a feasible option,…

  • Developing a Print Store Business Model

    Yesterday I tried to print something for a customer (yay! an actual customer!), because he was unhappy with the results of the print on demand site I was using. Using my Epson R2000 was beyond frustrating, as usual. The print kept coming out too dark and muddy looking. When I finally found a fix for…