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Category: Illustration
James Gillray, Fine Bracing Weather
James GIllray’s Fine Bracing Weather is part of series of seven etchings, entitled “Weather.” They depict various states of Englishmen “enjoying” the weather. The most famous of these is “Very Slippy weather,” because it shows a man slipping on the ice outside of the print shop where GIllray’s works were published. This print shop was…
Latest in Surface Pattern Design
This week I’ve been wondering why my “Playful Pattern,” a repeating pattern of Matisse inspired shapes is OVERWHELMINGLY my most popular surface pattern design on Pinterest. Is it because it was pinned a bunch of times on other boards, and therefore acquired some momentum? Or is it really what people like? It has THOUSANDS more…
Coma Drawings: The Pixel Art of Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson (otherwise known as @flipflopflying) is an artist who works in the pixel aesthetic. The work that he is most known for is his collection of minipops: famous people drawn really small. I became aware of his work in the early 2000’s when I started a nursing blog called PixelRN. I knew I needed…
The Process is the Point
This weekend I finally had some quiet time to work on my surface pattern design again. It’s one of those things I pick up from time to time. I love the challenge of it. For a long time, you needed to have a copy of Adobe Illustrator to make seamless digital pattern tiles. Now that…
The Pink Beach House
This is the famous Pink Beach House, of Ocean City, New Jersey. Some people call it the Bubble Gum House, because it was owned by Edward Fenimore, who founded the Philadelphia Chewing Gum Corporation. The factory, in Havertown, PA, manufactured such fine products as Swell bubble gum, and El Bubble Gum Cigars. I posted a…
80’s Design Floral Paintings
I’ve really been getting into combining flower images with glitch filters. They seem to go hand in hand – something about the organic nature of the flower, fed into the hyper techno random filters of the Decim8 app – I always end up with something interesting.