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IPhone Wallpaper art marketing experiment.

As far as art marketing goes, I’ve been leaning heavily towards Pinterest these days. Instagram is okay, but it feels like such a treadmill – liking and hashtagging all day long, just to get some engagement and attention from users who are also just trying to get my engagement and attention. Pinterest is different. I feel like people go on there looking for inspiration, and things to purchase. Also, my business page reports that I have over 5000 monthly impressions on my pins! I’m sure these numbers are skewed somehow to make it look good and make me want to use Pinterest for my art marketing. But even if they are exaggerated a bit, it’s still way more engagement than I get on either instagram, or this website.
I’ve also tried using their promoted pins for advertising, and I love how easy it is to use. Also, you can start out with a small amount of money, just to kick the tires, and see what works.
That being said, there are things about my pins that just seem so random. For instance, my top pin has 2.4K views, and the ones below that are in the 100’s. What is it about that pin that does so well? Is it really my best work? Sadly, it’s not enough impressions to make even one sale yet (someday!). But I’ve like to change that.
Hence, my iPhone wall paper art marketing experiment. I recently read something that recommends creating new pins to reflect Pinterest trends. One thing that is always trending is iPhone wallpaper, so that is what we have here. It also goes hand in hand with my latest art practice this week, which is working on my surface pattern skills. I took a bunch of my old pattern tiles, turned them into wallpaper, and added a few of the new patterns I am working on. I’m not sure about the business end of this. In exploring the trend I found someone selling the wallpaper for $1.39 on Etsy. I was perplexed by this. All you have to do is download the image directly from pinterest, so who would actually be purchasing these? I asked my 12 year old this question and she said, “It’s for boomers,” lol.
So here they are. I will create pins of them and link them to this page, just to see what happens. If these pins actually do get some traction, I think the next step will be using the patterns for products, like iPhone cases, tote bags, and maybe even some yoga pants.
A Collection of iPhone Wallpapers
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