Month: May 2014

  • Macro Daisy

    Here’s a macro image of a daisy, taken with my photojojo macro lens. The whole winter goes by and I seem to forget that I have these awesome little iPhone lenses to play with. But then the weather warms up and I’m ready to start playing around again. The flowers are beckoning.

  • Beautiful Mid Century Modern Home in Maryland

    This is a very interesting Mid Century Modern house on Gibson Island, Maryland. Originally listed for sale at 2.3 million in September of 2012, it is now down to 1.3 million.

  • iPad Art Apps: 5 Essentials for the Artistic Process

    There are many art apps on my iPad, and I’m a sucker for trying out the shiny new ones. But these are the ones I can’t live without. These are the apps that produce the best results:

  • Pop Art Eggs

    Sometimes you own an art or photography app for one specific filter. In this case it’s picfx and the filter is the “dots” texture. I especially love this filter because you can take any image and give it a pop art feel. I think I also used the Camera Plus app for the cross process…

  • Still Life with Shell Fragments

    This is a work in progress. I started with some shell fragments that I found in the Bahamas. They were sitting in a vase for a long time, and it occurred to me that there might be something visually interesting about the shells, individually.

  • Waterlogue App Review

    Waterlogue is an iOS app that turns photos into images that look like watercolors. It has a very simple interface, and is easy to use. It can turn an otherwise drab photo into something a little more interesting: