Using AI for Fashion Design

Have you considered using AI for fashion design? There are many different ways to approach it, and likely multiple AI apps that specifically cater to this. For my purposes, I wanted to create some simple AI images of models wearing dresses, and use them to visualize how my surface pattern designs would look as fabric. When I started really diving into this process, it became very fun and inspiring. It reminded me of playing with fashion plates as a child. 

My current process does not involve directly using AI for fashion design. Rather, it is a roundabout way to use AI images and dress them up with patterns I have created. First I started creating simple images of models wearing a white dress. I then used the procreate app to overlay my pattern designs. I find this so satisfying! It’s like being a virtual art director in a world you create. 

But I quickly got bored and wanted to see how far I could take it. I started grabbing pictures of models from websites, and collaging them with flowers and other digital details. It quickly got very whimsical!  I found that there is a technique that when you use a starter image that looks like a magazine page, the AI will take that as a cue without you having to put it in the prompt. Which is very helpful because the wombo app seems to take things very literally. It helps to bring in subtle ways to influence it with your seed image, rather than depending on the prompt. 

Using AI for fashion Design Mock-ups

I recently bought a fabric swatch mock-up on Etsy. It was so easy to use, and the bonus was that it worked with the Procreate app. Many, many mockups are only designed for Photoshop, which I don’t typically use. As I plugged in my pattern to the Procreate file, on closer inspection, I realized that the mockup I bought was most likely created with AI! It was only $5, and it actually looks decent.

And now I can see an efficient workflow to create my own mockups in procreate, which has always been a quest of mine. There are so many available for purchase, but, you know, I like to do things the hard way, creating mockups by photographing things around the house. Which has been a fun exercise, but the thought of creating any mockup I can think of with AI  – well it kind of blows my mind. 

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