Month: December 2024

  • Andy Warhol’s Diary: September 11, 2001

    Andy Warhol’s Diary: September 11, 2001

    Sept. 11, 2001.  Woke up around 11 to sirens. Put the TV on. There was no more Twin Towers. All you could see was smoke, and the planes that crashed into them. The news kept showing the towers collapsing, over and over. Unbelievable. Like one of my Disaster paintings. The phone was ringing. People were…

  • Latest in Surface Pattern Design

    Latest in Surface Pattern Design

    This week I’ve been wondering why my “Playful Pattern,” a repeating pattern of Matisse inspired shapes is OVERWHELMINGLY my most popular surface pattern design on Pinterest. Is it because it was pinned a bunch of times on other boards, and therefore acquired some momentum? Or is it really what people like? It has THOUSANDS more…